Machogu: We are Ready to Implement Education Reforms Proposals by PWPER

Machogu: We are Ready to Implement Education Reforms Proposals by PWPER

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has said the Ministry is ready to execute the recommendations issued by the Presidential Working Party on Education reforms.

The working party submitted the report to President William Ruto last week with guidelines on the structure and the content to be taught in schools.

Machogu endorsed the president’s directive of implementing the reforms within the given timeframe.

“I wish to state that the Ministry of Education is fully prepared to implement most of these recommendations as would be directed by President William Ruto from time to time,” Machogu said.

Some of the recommendations in the report include a reduction of learning areas in Lower Primary from 9 to 7, 12 to 8 in Upper Primary, 14 to 9 in Junior Schools, Pre-Primary to 5 and Senior Schools 7.

The committee also directed the school capitation to be increased by Sh1,170 for Pre-Primary, Double capitation to Sh2,238 for Primary level, Junior Schools Sh15,043 and Sh22,527 for Senior Schools (Day).

Others include Sh19,800 for Special Needs Institutions (SNE), (Day) and Sh38,280 for SNE (Boarding).

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They recommended that the capitation and grants be reviewed every three years.

The committee also wants the Ministry to adopt a Comprehensive School system (PP1- Grade 9) comprising Pre-Primary, Primary school and Junior School managed as one institution.

They also recommended dropping the term “Secondary” from Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools.

Ruto said the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is his biggest achievement in the education sector adding that the reforms are critical in building human capital.

“I told Kenyans that we will solve the confusion in the education system. I remember that CBC had confused a lot of people with many parents and guardians being hopeless but the taskforce has made good reforms,” Ruto said during an interview with Inooro TV.

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