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Magoha Gives Solution to KCPE 2021 Candidates Placed in Undesirable Schools

Education cabinet secretary George Magoha has given KCPE candidates that were placed in undesirable secondary schools a reliable solution. The CS has told the KCPE candidates who were placed in far-flung day schools and boarding schools to seek interventions from education offices.
The county education officers have been given instructions on how to handle such cases in a bid to create fairness and convenience in form one selection.

“It must have been a mistake and they should report to education agents in their area for action to be taken. Those who were placed in boarding schools they had not selected should accept the outcome,” said the CS.
To get assisted faster, the parents are advised to download the admission letter and to equip themselves with their children’s NEMIS number before proceeding to the offices since using names to look for the learners in the data base and rerouting them to other schools would take time.

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On sustainability of the Elimu scholarships, the CS pleaded with the incoming government to ensure the programme continues so as help the vulnerable children.
“Elimu Scholarships Programme is a good thing and my hope is that whoever will be the head of government will be humane enough to continue with it or even provide something better. The National Government County Development Fund (NG-CDF) sometimes does not reach the right children because of the manner in which they are issued,” said the CS.

Magoha also has cautioned principals against sending away students over fees when schools open for first term in two weeks.
He said Sh19.9 billion has been released to schools to cater for free primary and free day secondary capitation.
Magoha said with this money, principals should not send away children when they report to schools.
Magoha said out of the Sh19.9 billion allocated to capitation, Sh2 billion will go to free primary schools. About Sh16.8 billion will go to free secondary schools.
“The money will be in banks on Tuesday next week before the schools open. Nobody should send children away because there is no money to run the school,” Magoha said.
Magoha spoke when he addressed more than 2, 000 beneficiaries of the Elimu Scholarships and Equity Group Foundation Wings to Fly in Nairobi.
The Thursday meeting was held at the Pangani Girls High school during the Nairobi Region 12th Annual Congress.

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