Magoha Must Apologize to Uasin Gishu CDE immediately Or Get Fired, KUPPET

The Kenya union of post primary teachers, KUPPET, Has ordered the cabinet secretary of education, prof. George Magoha to apologize to the Uasin Gishu county director of education. This comes few days after Mr. Magoha publicly insulted and humiliated Mr. Gitonga, the Uasin Gishu CDE.

Uasin Gishu KUPPET secretary general has threatened to push for Mr. Magoha’s sacking, if at all the latter will not lower his ego and apologize.

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“We are calling upon the CS to issue an apology immediately, failure to which, we are going to seek legal redress because it is unbecoming of a man of his stature to refer to an education director as a fool,” said Mr.  Elijah Maiyo, the Uasin Gishu KUPPET Secretary General.

Mr. Maiyo was backed up by all the KUPPET leaders in Uasin Gishu County and beyond, education officials in the county, and a section of teachers, who had a feeling that the CS took his arrogance too far. “Mr. Gitonga is a church elder, his age withstanding. He has a face to protect and people who look up to him. What is he going to tell his wife, children and the church that he leads,” Mr. Lagat, a teacher in Uasin Gishu county questioned.

Read also: ‘Wewe Ni Mjinga Kabisa,’ Magoha Publicly Insults A CDE

Mr. Maiyo says that calling an elder ‘Mjinga’ was very insensitive of the cabinet secretary.” What model is he giving to the children, whose schools are under him? And how poorly is he representing elites globally,” one of the KUPPET leaders wondered.

The CS has explained through his speeches, why he had to react the way he did. Mr. Gitonga has remained silent over the matter and even got surprised that it went viral. He had resorted to make it private but the aggrieved public could not let it go that easily.

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