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Matiang’i’s Parallel line-up For May Elections Sends Panic To Sossion

The upcoming KNUT National elections planned for May, send a lot of anxiety to teachers each passing day. Will the KNUT secretary General Wilson Sossion be on the ballot? And will he retain his seat?

Among those suspected to be interested in the KNUT secretary general seat are the KNUT treasurer John Matiang’i, KNUT deputy secretary general, Hesbon Otieno, acting KNUT chairman Collins Oyuu,and KNUT Kericho branch executive secretary, Stanley Mutai.

Sources very close to KNUT have it that Matiang’i is drawing a line up that will contest with Sossion’s line up during the KNUT delegates conference in May.

The same sources reveal that Matiang’i remains the senior most official that can easily oust Sossion, following the retirement of the former chairperson, Wycliffe Omucheyi.

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Majority of teachers, some branch executives, are currently in a fall out with Sossion, accusing him of all the woes that KNUT is currently facing.

The drop of members to below 30,000, is a very clear picture that teachers have lost trust either in Wilson Sossion, or in KNUT. In his leadership, Sossion has experienced several failed coups between 2017 and 2019, and the coup plotters are working silently on another scheme for a new phase of the tussles.

Bomet executive secretary, Malal Lang’at, said those seeking national positions won’t succeed unless they extend their campaigns to delegates in all branches.

“We have been endorsing those fellows in the head office for ages but this time, let each seat have challengers so that we elect the best,” said Lang’at.

Gucha branch executive secretary Lucy Machuki, has declared publicly that she strongly opposes Sossion’s candidature.

“I am not supporting Sossion’s candidature and am speaking it loudly because he has destroyed the union. By fighting the government, you can’t win” Machuki declared.

Executive secretaries from Butere, Mumias, Kakamega North, Lugari, Bungoma north, Teso, Kakamega central, and Hamisi, are blaming Sossion for the exodus of Members from KNUT due to his mismanagement skills.

What all these allegations mean is that, should Sossion face a strong opponent in the May elections, he may lose his seat.

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