Migori TTC to Offer Diploma in Primary Teacher Education

Migori TTC to Offer Diploma in Primary Teacher Education

Migori Teachers Training College will be among the first six teachers’ colleges across the country to train diploma courses in primary teacher education.
The institution’s chief principal Dr. Emilly Kibet explained that the college which represents the face of the nation by having teacher-students from acrossthe 47 counties besides already offering a three-year Diploma in Primary Teacher Education.

Additionally, the institution had also started offering Early Childhood Development Education and a one year upgrading course in Primary Teacher Education. It also boasts of being a centre of Special Needs Education under the Kenya Institute of Special Education.
Dr. Kibet attributed this initiative to discipline and hard work by the lecturers’ relentless commitment to research and dedication to quality service delivery.

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With a total population of 517 of 200 male and 317 female students, the college also boasts of maintaining its good performance ranking in the primary teacher education national exams for years.
Dr. Kibet noted that the good performance is attributed to several measures taken by the College administration in conjunction with other education stakeholders and student leaders at the institution.
“Our lecturers have attended capacity building seminars, training and workshops organized by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and the Ministry of Education together with the Teachers’ Service Commission, facilitated by the institution which enables them to develop their teaching skills,” she said.
The college also exposes trainees to different tasks during class activities and transformative assessments with the major aim of ensuring the teachers’ trainees are accorded and attain quality skills for future calling.
The Principal also noted that the college facilitates its learners to participate and excel in co curriculum activities competitions with different colleges across the country.
These include drama,music, ball games and athletics which have enabled them to explore their rich talents in competing at the national levels.

She however enumerated a host of challenges dogging the institution which are affecting the smooth running of the college. Among them, Dr Kibet said, the institution’s human resource is understaffed especially the teaching staff and has serious financial constraints that hinder teaching and learning activities.

These, she notes, are a drawback towards the realization of the 2022/27 strategic plan of the institution. She called on support from well-wishers to help address some of the challenging issues.
However, despite the stiff challenges in the institution, Dr. Kibet boasts of adequately equipped lecturers who are skilled in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for digital literacy.

Total teaching staff of 29 lecturers also participates with other colleges to enable learning areas which in return has enabled virtual sharing of knowledge and sharing of skills.
She however adamantly says they must soldier on to deliver the best out of the little resource they have and give the youths tasked with them a better future.

Dr. Kibet acknowledged the support from the Board for their continued cooperation saying, “I wish to pass my sincere gratitude to the Board of Management led by Mr Michael Ogutu for their relentless support and facilitation towards the achievement by the institution despite the tough financial time.




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