Compensate Teachers When Assaulted By Learners: KUPPET Demands

Milemba Calls For Immediate suspension Of TPD Implementation Till A Monetary CBA Is signed

The Kenya union of post primary education Teachers (KUPPET) national chairperson Hon. Omboko Milemba has called for an immediate suspension of TPD implementation until certain conditions are met.

According to Milemba matters pertaining to TPD are so sensitive that they cannot be rolled out without fully engaging education stakeholders and subjection to a robust public participation. The KUPPET boss therefore demands that TCS seeks public participation on TPD before implementation.

Milemba has also maintained that teachers will not engage in TPD modules using their own money, unless a CBA with a monetary value is signed with the employer.

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“The teachers are not going to engage in a self-sponsored training suggested by the employer. We will not register for the TPD courses until we sign a CBA with a monetary value. Furthermore, there is need for public participation into the matter before it is implemented,” said Milemba

The Emuhaya mp who is the kuppet  national chair was speaking to members of the press at his Esirulo residence in Emuhaya constituency.

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