MKU Extends Student-Hunting To Prisons, Designs Courses For Inmates

MKU To Offer Transport, Data Bundles and Stationery To TPD Trainees

The famous Mount Kenya university is at it again, with its strategic advertising policies. The private university, which has been struggling to woe teachers to enroll for the infamous teacher professional development (TPD) modules in the institution, has promised to facilitate transport of teachers to the training venues as well as offer subsidized data bundles since it will be partnering with Safaricom.

In addition, the university which is also one of the service providers picked by Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to offer teacher training will offer free refreshments and stationery to tutors enrolling for Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programme. It has been confirmed by the institution that these offers will be strictly for teachers registering with Mount Kenya University.

Among the institutions approved by TSC to offer TPD, MKU was the first to advertise and call on teachers to register for the programme. TPD modules are scheduled to start this December and will be virtual since schools will be in session.

Other institutions picked by TSC to offer the training are Riara University, Kenyatta University and Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI).

Read also:

Teachers Now Allowed To Pay Ksh. 20 Daily For TPD Modules

All Teachers Directed To Install TPD Mobile App Ahead Of TPD Courses

Teachers Who Fail Consistently in TPD Tests Likely To Be Removed From Payroll

18 MPs Support Milemba’s Petition On TPD, Question TSC’s Intentions Concerning The Modules-see list

TPD Training Institutions To Pay TSC Ksh. 50,000, Among Other Incentives

TSC Reveals Why It Locked Out Other Universities From Offering TPD Modules

The December training will introduce teachers to the first module, Introductory module, which will cover the Teacher Professional Development and to the Seven Kenya Professional Teaching Standards (KePTS).

The introductory module has five chapters, which are expected to be completed within one year. The content of each chapter is based on current knowledge and research applicable to the practical needs of a Kenyan Classroom teacher.

After the introductory module, the teachers and the instructional leaders will then proceed to the level one module.

There will be two different modules: One for the Teachers and the one for Instructional Leaders.

Level One module will have 5 chapters. A teacher or an instructional leader will take one chapter per year for a period of 5 years but to a maximum of 7 years.

Level two to Level six modules will each take 5 years.

Though some teachers are opposing the programme, the Commission has vowed to proceed with its plans to train its teachers.

“It is the question of what do we want best for our teachers, the future of a teacher in the country, the 21st century teacher. We would like to get a professionalized teacher, and that one we are not relenting on it,” said TSC Director of Quality Assurance and Standards, Dr. Reuben Nthamburi.

MKU has also spread the sh. 6,000 teachers are required to pay annually for the programme. Its are asking teachers to pay sh. 1,000 for registration and the rest spread for twelve months.

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