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MOE Launches New Training System For TVETS

The government has rolled out a dual training system for TVET institutions to address the unemployment and skills gaps. Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu said introduction of the new training model is part of a robust curricular reforms agenda being undertaken in the TVET sector through the Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) curricula which is anchored on practice and industrial exposure.

Machogu said in the new training system learning will take place both at the technical training centres and the industries where students are linked. He said the ongoing curriculum reforms will eventually see graduates get exposed to practical knowledge necessary for the job market rather than theory based education.

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Machogu said adoption of the new training model in Technical, Vocational Education and Training colleges will enable graduates fit in the modern world of work. The CS, in a speech read on his behalf by TVET Principal Secretary Dr Esther Muoria during the launch of Kisumu National polytechnic 2023-2027 strategic plan yesterday, pointed out that the system will ensure that young people are equipped with hands-on experience in their areas of professionalism.

“Through the help of our partner industries and institutions the trainees have the opportunity to be exposed to actual work conditions and get guidance from the already qualified staff thus increasing chances of their employability,” he said.

He announced that the government has also partnered with the Juakali associations with a view of supplying expertise, labor and skills in the affordable housing project, the recognition of prior learning, entrepreneurship training and in the development of incubation centers across the country. Further, Machogu reiterated the government is keen on of upskilling TVET trainers to ensure quality training

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