MOE Paid ksh. 1.8B To Ghost Students: Auditor General

MOE Paid ksh. 1.8B To ghost students: Auditor General

It has now emerged that the ministry of education paid a whooping ksh. 1.8B to ghost secondary school students in the just ended 2019/2020 financial year.

The auditor general’s report indicates massive wastages in the ministry, despite the ministry’s complaints of underfunding.

According to the auditor general, the overpayments arose from erroneous computations of July and September 2019, inflated enrolment in January 2020, and double payments to some schools. The overpayment, as per the report signed by auditor general Nancy Gathungu, was to 2,610 public secondary schools in various counties.

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That aside, ksh. 26.8M was sent to schools which do not exist anywhere in Kenya. Five of the schools that received the money have questionable status since they lack registration certificates, TSC appointment letters and posting of the principals, boards of management minutes which approve opening of new accounts and other crucial requirements.

“In the circumstances, it is not possible to confirm the accuracy and validity of the reported subsidies of ksh. 58, 778,993,798 for the year ended 30th June 2020,” says the report.

Ministry of education has also been exposed for paying millions of shillings for rent of office space used by various state departments offices in the counties.

The auditor confirmed that she could not authenticate payment of ksh 86M for rent since valid lease agreements and approvals for the procurement of the offices were not provided for office verification.

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