Lunch fee is voluntary and Permission to charge it, Ministry Warns Heads

Fresh Rules And Guidelines For Registration of New Schools

The ministry of education has revised its rules and guidelines for registration of new schools to cater for the competency-based curriculum, CBC. These rules are contained in a document titled Registration Guidelines for Basic Education Institutions. Some of the guidelines are as indicated below.

  • The schools must have adequate classrooms from pre-primary all the way to senior secondary school.
  • The school must demonstrate compliance with the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC)
  • The classrooms must also have enough desks and chairs.
  • The curriculum offered must be vetted and approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) and registered by the Ministry of Education.
  • The new CBC-compliant schools will be required to have spaces for the pathways that the learners choose. All senior secondary schools will be required to have facilities that can offer at least two pathways and all the tracks there-in. Senior secondary schools offering Stem subjects will also have the specific additional facilities to offer all the four Stem tracks.
  • for schools  that will still be offering 8-4-4, two nursery classrooms and at least one laboratory will be mandatory for registration.
  • Private schools will pay Sh10,000 for every category of registration. For public institutions, Sh2,000 will be charged for five-year registration and a similar amount for re-registration.
  • The institutions will be assessed and registered afresh when they change from public to private and vice versa.
  • each county will only have, at most, two public teacher training colleges, beyond which registration will not be granted.
  • In areas with large populations, new day primary or secondary schools will only be registered if they fall beyond 600m radius. Nursery schools linked to these institutions will only be registered if they fall within two-kilometre radius.
  • There will be no more registration of boarding nursery schools.
  • There will be no registration of schools located within a radius of 300m from a liquor selling outlet in peri-urban and rural areas.

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  • All physical facilities in the school shall be safe, learner and disability friendly.
  • All projects shall be approved by the Public Works Office before they start to ensure compliance to set standards.
  • School compounds will not harbour commercial ventures.
  •  to establish a new public primary school in densely populated areas, the nearest existing public primary school should have at least two streams, with a minimum population of 480 learners.
  • To establish a new public secondary school in densely populated areas, the nearest existing public secondary school should have attained three streams, with a minimum population of 540 learners
  • to establish schools in sparsely populated areas and arid and semi-arid lands, the nearest existing institution should have at least 60 learners.
  • For registration of special needs education institutions, there shall be a maximum of 10 learners per class for learners with physical, visual and hearing impairments.for learners with severe disabilities, the maximum number will be between one and five per class

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