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MOE Reveals Junior Secondary School Placement Criteria For Grade 6 Candidates

The Ministry of Education has revealed the criteria that it will apply to place Grade 6 candidates into junior secondary schools in January next year, after sitting their Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) this year.

The Grade 6 learners are expected to sit their final primary school exams in November this year ahead of transitioning to junior secondary school at Grade 7 in January 2023.

The exam, popularly known as the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA), will be conducted between November 28th and November 30th 2022.

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The tests will be in multiple choice questions and will assume the fashion of KCPE.

1.Distance from their homes

According to officials from both county and national education offices, placement of Grade 6 learners into junior secondary will be based on the distance between the homes of the students and the schools.

The State department tasked to oversee the implementation of competency-based curriculum, CBC, said that the learners will be posted to junior high schools subject to proximity to their former primary school.

“Posting of learners to junior high will be informed by the capability of parents to transport a child to the school they have chosen,” said Ruth Mugambi, the technical adviser to the Principal Secretary on CBC matters.

According to Education CS Prof. George Magoha clarified, junior Secondary Schools will be offered in both boarding and day secondary schools across the country. However, Magoha confirmed that all Grade 6 learners joining junior secondary will be day scholars.

  1. Performance in KPSEA and SBA

The learners’ performance in the KPSEA national tests and the School Based Assessments (SBA) will also determine placement of learners into Grade 7.

The SBA is targeted to contribute 60% while KPSEA will contribute 40% in the learners’ final performance.

KCPE will be replaced by the KPSEA national test. The Grade 6 regular learners will sit for five subjects in their final assessment in primary school. These are; Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, Integrated Science and Creative Art and Social Studies.

Knec Competency Based Assessment (CBA) Coordinator Ann Ngatia explained that Integrated and Creative Sciences will be an integration of various subjects and that the five will be part of the KPSEA at the end of primary school.

“The exam will be a multiple-choice test covering the five papers. IS will see us combine science and technology and will cover Home Science, Agriculture, and Physical Health while CASS will combine Art and Craft, Music, Social Studies and religious education (CRE, IRE and HRE),”she noted.

The coordinator added that the primary school results will be determined by the SBA, which is done every year in the upper primary classes and the five-subject summative national examination.

“We will have a 60 per cent of the score coming from SBA spread over Grade Four, Five and Six

and 40 per cent from the summative report so that we do not rely on a one-time assessment to

determine the potential of the learner,” Ngatia added.

Ngatia expounded that the school-based evaluation will be done in form of projects, practicals, portfolios and oral assessments to allow learners to demonstrate what they have learnt. This will be executed by the classroom teachers guided by knec.

3.Optional subjects selected by the learner

Another criteria that will be used to place Grade 6 learners into Grade 7 will be based on the secondary schools that offer the optional subjects the learners selected.

It is a requirement by the government that the secondary schools should offer at least three of the optional subjects chosen by the students.

It is this selection of optional subjects that will be used to determine which secondary school a child will be posted to.

Grade 6 learners are supposed to choose at least one or a maximum of two optional subjects which will be offered in Grade.


Core Subjects


2.Kiswahili or Kenyan Sign Language for learners who are deaf


4.Integrated Science

5.Health Education

6.Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education

7.Social Studies

8.Religious Education-learners choose one of the following:

  • Christian Religious Education
  • Islamic Religious Education
  • .Hindu Religious Education

9.Business Studies 1


11.Life Skills Education

12.Sports and Physical Education

Optional Subjects (Minimum 1, Maximum 2)

1.Visual Arts

2.Performing Arts

3.Home Science

4.Computer Science

5.Foreign Languages:

  • German
  • French
  • Mandarin
  • Arabic
  • Indigenous Languages
  • Kenyan Sign Language


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