Muturi's pledges To Teachers Before Presidential Gazette Notice On His Appointment

Muturi’s pledges To Teachers Before Presidential Gazette Notice On His Appointment

When he appeared before the parliamentary committee on education for vetting, Dr.  Jamleck Muturi made some promises, which he was determined to fulfill.

Among those promises include:

  • To use the constitutions and policies of the TSC to stop nepotism and tribalism during the promotion and transfer of teachers.
  • To amend the bad relation between the TSC and unions especially the Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut). As a strong believer in strong unions , the newly appointed chairman promised to restore harmony between unions and the TSC.“The commission cannot function alone. We shall apply a democratic approach in addressing the existing issues and ensure stakeholders are not aggrieved while emphasising the constitutions,” Dr Muturi told the MPs. He noted that unions play a key role in fighting for the rights of employees and that with proper conversations, no problem can be mountainous.“Strong unions and systems are very important and they enhance service delivery,” he said.
  • He further promised to work consultatively with the Ministry of Education to ensure conflicts do not affect teaching. In the past, there have been conflicts between TSC and teachers concerning a range of issues including salary increment and TPAD issues.

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Jamleck Muturi John Biography:  Birth, educational background, work experience, Family

Dr Oyucho said he will work with other commissioners to streamline issues affecting teachers.

Muturi and Oyucho were appointed by the president after rigorous vetting by the parliamentary Education and Research committee and after a recommendation by the National Assembly. The President made the announcement in a Gazette notice published on Friday. They trounced all the other applicants who were eying the positions.

The duo will serve for a period of six years.

Dr Oyucho is currently the TSC director for the Legal, Labour and Industrial Relations Directorate

Dr Muturi will become the second TSC chairman following the retirement of Dr Lydia Nzomo whose term ended on November 18 last year.

Five other commissioners who retired last year and in March are yet to be replaced. The commission is supposed to have nine commissioners to form a full board.

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