Nationwide Survey and Review Of Hardship Areas Begins Today

A data collection exercise meant to review hardship areas in the whole country has been scheduled by the Principal Secretary for Interior Services to begin this morning.

The exercise, which will inform addition or removal of some hardship areas, will involve five teams.  Each of the five teams will have representatives from; Ministry of Public Service and Gender, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, Ministry of Education, The National Treasury and Planning, Public Service Commission, Teachers Service Commission, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Council of Governors, Commission on Revenue Allocation, Salaries and Remuneration Commission and The Judiciary. The teams will be visiting various areas in the country to collect data, which can be used to categorize the areas as hardship areas or not.

Team Number of officers Areas to visit Dates
1 8 Lamu, Kilifi and Kwale. Will assess Chonyi in Kilifi and Lungalunga in Kwale for hardship 5th to 17th sept
2 10 Laikipia, Meru North (Nyambene), Tharaka Nithi (Tharaka, Marimanti) and Nyandarua (Nyahururu) 5th to 17th sept
3 8 West Pokot, Turkana,Elgeyo-Marakwet and Baringo.

Also to visit Suba, Nyatike, Seme and Tinderet


25th Oct-5th Nov
4 7 Garissa, Wajir and Mandera

Kitui North (Mutha), Kitui South (Endau and Malalani), Kitui East and Mwingi North (Kaningo) and Kalama.

25th Oct-5th Nov
5 8 Murang’a (Kakuzi, Maragua), Kiambu (Ndeiya) and Nakuru (Mbogoni and Makongeni) and Nyeri (Kieni). 25th Oct-5th Nov


“The exercise is scheduled to start from 5th September to 17th September, 2021 as outlined in the programme. The travel date to the field will be on 5th September, 2021 and return to Nairobi on 18th September, 2021,” reads the circular from the interior PS.

The PS ordered County Directors of Education, Teachers Service Commission County Directors and

Officers incharge of Kenya National Bureau of Statistics in County’s to assist the teams with

valuable data and input towards achieving the objectives of the survey.

The current official hardship areas approved and included in the 2021-2025 CBA are;

1)Baringo North;Tiaty East, Tiaty West and Marigat sub-counties in Baringo County.

2)Garissa County

3) Suba and Mbita sub-counties in Homa Bay County

4)Isiolo County

5)Mashuuru Lotortok and kajiado West sub-counties in kajiado county

6)Kwale County

7) Magarini,änd Ganze in Kilifi County


9)Mandera County

10)Marsabit County

11)Mumoni, Mutito North and Tseikuru sub-counties in Kitui County

12)Narok South and Narok North sub-counties in Narok County

13)Samburu County

14)Taita Taveta County

15)Tana River County

16)Turkana County

17)Wajir County

18)West Pokot County

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