New KNUT-TSC Deal Unlocks Teacher Professional Development (TPD) Courses For TPAD Gaps

New KNUT-TSC Deal Unlocks Teacher Professional Development (TPD) Courses For TPAD Gaps

The recently signed deal between KNUT and the teachers service commission has unlocked the teacher professional development courses. Since the deal is effective 30th June 2021, teacher professional development courses have been slated to begin soon.

TSC now has the opportunity to roll out the training programme and implement career progression guidelines, performance contracting which were the breaking point between it and the union. The programme, though in the TPAD, could not be rolled since it was under the career progression guidelines, which KNUT, under its former SG Sossion strongly opposed in favour of the schemes of service. KUPPET and KUSNET however had accepted to work under the career progression guidelines and were eagerly waiting for their members to begin attending the courses.

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Kenyatta University, Riara University, Mount Kenya University, and the Kenya Education Management Institute (Kemi) were picked by TSC to train the teachers.

The consent means that the TSC is now at liberty to sign a contract with these training institutions to offer the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programme which had been opposed by Knut under Wilson Sossion.

By the end of this year, teachers might begin attending the teacher professional development courses in any of the institutions that have been chosen by TSC. The objective of these courses will be to fill the competency gaps identified by the teacher during setting of targets in the TPAD. No teacher will be spared since for each competency area, there is no option of being fully competent. Teachers will be expected to pursue at least one of the courses, which will be school based and residential, after every five years to have their licenses renewed.

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