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Number of +400 Marks in KCSE 2021

A total of 1,225,507 candidates who sat the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination will know how they performed in the exams today.

Already there are rumors of top KCPE candidate scoring more than 440 marks in the exams. In the 2021 KCPE tests, more than 8,500 pupils scored 400 marks and above.

Over 283,000 candidates have scored between 300 to 399 marks while more than 590,000 candidates have scored between 200 to 299 marks out of 500.

Those with between 100 to 199 marks are above 300, 000. The total KCPE examination score is 500.

Pupils who scored 400 marks and above in the 2021 KCPE examination will earn automatic admission to national schools except those in private schools.

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KCPE Results Release in Progress

Last year top candidate Faith Mumo scored 433 marks out of the total 500.

This year the council registered 1,225,507 candidates in 28,316 KCPE examination centres as compared to 1,191,752 candidates in 28,467 centres in 2020.

This reflects an increase of 33,755 representing 2.75 per cent. KCPE exam centres were served from 491 distribution centres.

This year’s performance is expected to better than the previous one. Sources say learners have

performed better in English and Kiswahili subjects.

In the 2021 KCPE exams standardization for Mathematics is 85% Science 84% Social studies and Religion 86% English 97% while Kiswahili 97%

Last week, Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha said script marking was complete and that the results will be out this week.

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