Ole Tipis Girls high school KCSE Performance, location, contacts, Knec code, form one Intake

Ole Tipis Girls high school KCSE Performance, location, contacts, Knec code, form one Intake

Ole Tipis Girls High School is a girls only public boarding secondary school located in Narok, Kenya. It was founded in 1983. The school is a Christian non- denominational school that is managed by the school’s board of governors. It offers quality 8-4-4 education system under the Kenyan curriculum. The school uniform is red.

School motto; Education is our inheritance.

School mission; To provide holistic education services by inculcating discipline, appropriate life skills and the right attitude into molding a citizen if high moral integrity.

School vision; To nurture creative excellence for gender parity. Core values include respect, teamwork, diversity, commitment, passion and discipline.

Ole Tipis Girls High School location;

This school is located in Township sub location, Lower Melili location, Central Narok division. Narok district in Narok North constituency, Narok county, Kenya. The school sits on a 50 acre piece of land. Neighbouring schools include Ilmashariani Primary school, Loyal Junior Academy, Glorious Academy, Magnet Junior Academy and Redeemed Junior Academy.

Ole Tipis Girls High School KCSE performance;

The school does so well in both local and national examinations. It usually is one of the best secondary schools in the county. In 2013, it had 158 candidates and the school had a mean score of 38.648, being a C-. The school has over the years tried so much to ensure that they boost their KCSE performance. They are able to do such by ensuring that student needs are met.

Ole Tipis Girls High School Form one selection;

Here, form one selection is usually done via academic merit in regards to KCPE examinations. The students who have high results and selected the school as first choice are given higher priority than others. Students are also selected via need basis where parents’ financial background is put into consideration.

Ole Tipis Girls High School Contacts;

School code; 32500015.

Physical Address:

P.O. Box 177- 20500, Narok, Kenya.

Telephone/ mobile number; 020 2684029.

 Email address; info@[email protected]

Website; oletipisgirls.

Read also:

Nairobi School: History, Location, KNEC Code and contacts


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