Ongoing Talks Between SRC and TSC Over 2021-2025 CBA Near a Conclusion

Ongoing Talks Between SRC and TSC Over 2021-2025 CBA Near a Conclusion

The teachers’ service commission, TSC, has confirmed that it is in final stage of CBA negotiation with the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, SRC, and that teachers should expect a payrise beginning July this year.

Through a writing, the commission has warned the Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT to stop peddling allegations against it and allow it to successfully conclude talks with SRC.

“The Commission is in the process of concluding internal consultations with SRC as per the law to pave way for the negotiations. In the meantime, we ask you to be patient and avoid unfounded allegations on the matter,” reads part of the letter.

The counter proposal for the 2021-2025 CBA that TSC submitted to SRC awarded teachers at least 16% increment in basic salary for teachers. The 2021-2025 CBA is expected to be effective from July 2021.

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The new CBA is expected to bridge the gap between school administrators and ordinary teachers, especially those in lower cadres of each job group.

Should the new CBA be implemented as promised, the basic salaries of teachers in job groups C4 – D5 will increase by between 16-24% while that of teachers in job groups B5 – C3 will increase by between 25-32 %. The lowest job groups in both brackets will get the highest percentage increment.

The TSC 2021-2025 CBA counter proposal that is being negotiated with SRC also proposes a 20% increase in house allowances, commuter and leave allowances. SRC has however maintained that no increase will be made on the allowances due to the ballooning wage bill.

The teachers unions KNUT and KUPPET had however opposed the 2021 – 2025 TSC CBA counter proposals, which were unanimously accepted by most of the teachers they represent. KNUT proposes 102 – 200 % increment on basic salaries while KUPPET advocates for 30 – 70 %. As things are however, it seems like the negotiations between TSC and SRC are ongoing.

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