Oriwo Boys' to know fate of 2021 KCSE results in A month


Oriwo Boys Finally Gets KCSE 2021 Results-See Videos

Joy and Jubilation engulfed the environs around Oriwo boy’s secondary school in Rachuonyo North sub county, Homabay county yesterday, Evening.( CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEOS)

This is after their extra exemplary KCSE results, which were withheld after the school was suspected of exam malpractice, were officially released. Oriwo boys high school results were with held by the kenya national examination council, KNEC, which requested for 30 days to investigate the allegations, prior to settling on a decision.( CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEOS)

During the 2021 KCSE exams conducted in March 2022, a number of teachers from the region were arrested for exam malpractice, and sources had it that among them were teachers from the giant school in Homabay county.

After investigations however, Oriwo boys got cleared and finally received its results. The performance is however lower than their alleged initial means score of 11.5.

In the results the school obtained yesterday, Oriwo managed a mean score of 8.215, with grade distributions shown below.

The recent move by KNEC has saved the 548 candidates, out of which 521 got direct entry to the university.( CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEOS)

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“I knew we were innocent. A school of our status cannot engage in an exam malpractice. We have been doing well in all national exams, and this one would not be an exception. We would like to sincerely thank our parents, stakeholders and most importantly, the affected candidates for being patient with us and believing in us, even when the whole nation had labelled us as thieves,” said one of the senior administrators in the school, who opted to be anonymous.

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