Teachers now threaten to strike, accusing TSC and SRC of acting in bad faith

Oyuu Boasts of Massive Achievements Within A Year In Office

KNUT Secretary General Collins Henry Oyuu has expressed satisfaction at what the current Union leadership has achieved since they got into office on June 26, 2021. The Secretary General said key among their achievements is restoring a good relationship with the teachers’ employer, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Speaking at the Union’s headquarters at KNUT House in Nairobi on June 28, 2022 during the first anniversary since being elected into office, Oyuu said that they are currently enjoying a cordial working relationship with the employer, with pertinent issues that need both parties’ attention being tabled and discussed candidly in a courteous environment.

Oyuu stated that they are currently focusing on repealing the current 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) to have a monetary component, which they had agreed to review after one financial year, by July 2023.

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“The economy, which was reason for the SRC’s advisory, is now improved and we have already witnessed other sectors review salaries of their workers. We therefore feel teachers’ salaries should also be looked into. I’m sure with this kind of relationship, we cannot come back here empty handed,” said Oyuu. Oyuu recalled that even when they were going on with elections at Ruaraka Sports Club in Nairobi, auctioneers were at the Union’s headquarters seizing properties for auction to reclaim unpaid dues. He added that the Union was then engulfed in total absurdity, uncertainty and confusion.

“This was actually the driving force that pushed us to focus on how we could revive our Union, revive our structures, restructure our operations and ensure that we restore our working relationship with stakeholders in the sector. We realized that all along this time, God had kept us safe and in good health,” said Oyuu.

The new leadership has managed also to restore a peaceful and warm relationship with the Ministry of Education by getting slots of membership in various Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) committees, which are vital in the formulation of policies that manage and direct the education sector in the country. They have also reviewed the Recognition Agreement (RA) with TSC since the Union was on the verge of losing it due to dwindling membership. It has also concluded the 2016-2021 CBA for teachers who missed out Phase 3 and 4 of the CBA.

Almost all the 16,000 teachers have been served. “We wish to urge any teacher who hasn’t been served to reach out to our officials out there for quick interventions,” said Oyuu. The Union also carried out nationwide membership recruitment which commenced on January 13, 2022, with Oyuu noting that in Phase 1 of the exercise, they managed to get quite a number of members back

The Union conducted their Special Advisory Council Meeting in December 2021 and Special Delegates Conference in January 2022. The Union has also inducted KNUT leaders, with Branch Executive Committees of Murang’a North, Nairobi, Siaya, Teso, Busia, Samburu, Nyando, Kisumu City and Kisumu East already inducted. Oyuu further revealed that for the last one year, they have related well with local Unions and Associations in the sector, notably Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU), Kenya Primary School Heads Associations (KEPSHA) and Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA), which have created a platform to address teachers in both KEPSHA and KESSHA conferences.

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