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Oyuu Launches a New Push to Have Junior Secondary Schools Hosted in Primary Schools

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has pledged to continue pushing the government to establish junior secondary schools within primary schools. KNUT Secretary General Collins Oyuu, has confirmed that his leadership will not tire in pushing for the move.

According to Oyuu, the existing infrastructure in primary schools can comfortably host the junior secondary without putting pressure on parents and Kenyans at large to put up new buildings in both primary and secondary schools.

The Secretary General was addressing teachers during the Siaya KNUT Branch Annual General Meeting held at the Central Primary School grounds in Siaya, where he told politicians to refrain from politicizing teachers and education matters.

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Oyuu further said that it will be foolish to squeeze pupils from 30,000 primary schools into 10,000 secondary schools.

He urged the Ministry of Education to consider renaming the two-year junior secondary classes as senior primary and have the students occupy the existing class seven and eight buildings.

‘In any case, we have many primary school teachers who are graduates. Some have masters and even PhDs and can effectively handle the classes,” said Oyuu.

Additionally, Oyuu accused a section of politicians of trying to cause confusing in the education sector through careless remarks regarding the future of the CBC.

“Some people. while on a campaign trail, told us that they will do away with CBC once they take over the presidency,” said Oyuu, adding that the same person later talked of integrating CBC with another system of education.

Oyuu maintained that the two systems of education cannot work and urged the top politician to make up his mind on which system he will implement in case he takes over the mantle to rule the country.

The Secretary General called on those who will be elected to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta, to consider employing more teachers, adding that as things stand now, the existing teachers were overwhelmed by work.

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