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Oyuu To Meet All KNUT Branch Executive Sectaries Over TPD Modules

KNUT Secretary general collins Oyuu, is set to meet all the KNUT branch executive secretaries this morning at the KICD buildings.

The main agenda for the meeting is TPD, which has faced fierce opposition since its roll out. Sources have revealed that Oyuu, who praised the TPD modules as the best move to professionalize the teaching profession, is planning to engage the branch secretaries in forging a way which will make all teachers accept and embrace the TPD programme, which has suffered rejection from over 98% of teachers.

So far, only Bomet KNUT branch executive secretary has publicly opposed the TPD refresher courses.

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“This is a process which should be made optional, it is wrong to force teachers to go back to school yet they are the ones paying for it…focus should be on the young and newly recruited ones,” he stated.

He said the move is ill-informed, unrealistic, and unconstitutional, arguing that as a union, they were not consulted and public participation was not conducted as envisaged in the Constitution.

“We demand further consultations on this matter with all stakeholders before it is implemented, in fact, we read mischief on the motive behind it, this is not an emergency,” he stated.

The silence from other KNUT branch secretaries could imply concurrence with TSC and the national secretary collins Oyuu.

It is therefore likely that the silent branch officials will be convinced to lead teachers into the fiery hell of TPD programmes. Should KNUT face no opposition from its own branches, then Oyuu will enjoy a smooth ride with with teachers into TPD.

On KUPPET’s side, already 27 branch executive secretaries have written to the national executive secretary Akello Misori, expressing their disappointment in him.

Other smaller unions like KUSNET and KEWOTA are dead silent on matters TPD, probably because its their pleasure to see teachers becoming life time students.

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