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P1 Teachers Undertaking The Upgrading Diploma To Be Favoured In July Recruitment

The Primary school teachers who heeded the TSC’S call for Diploma in primary teacher education (DIPTE) will be favoured in the ongoing recruitment exercise, whose interviews have been scheduled this month.

Those who will successfully graduate with the diploma will even have a higher advantage in the next and subsequent recruitment interviews by Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The July interviews are likely to favour those undergoing the diploma upgrade since there is an option in the application window for p1 applicants to indicate if they have the CBC upgrade certificate. What this implies is that those with the certificate will have higher marks in the marking scheme and recruitment guidelines, which will be released in the course of next week. Being that currently no one has graduated with the program since it was initiated, the commission will consider evidence of pursuing the program. Among them include; admission letters, fee payment receipts, recognition letter by the college, student identity card or transcripts for the completed semesters.

The teachers on CBC Upgrading diploma program are currently sitting their final program exams, which will end on 10th July 2022. this means that they can be able to attend the interviews and present their evidence of having gone through the program.

Even though the commission has not indicated any marks, it is likely to indicate the marks in the marking scheme, and the marks for the upgrading program might be higher than that of internship since the commission currently is giving weight to the program.

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P1 Teachers Who Took The Upgrading Diploma To Be Favoured In The Upcoming Teacher Recruitment

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Currently, approximately 229,000 teachers are pursuing DIPTE in various accredited Teacher Training Colleges (TTC) across the country.

TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia, expressed her happiness the cohort, who will soon graduate, during the release of 2021 KCSE results. Macharia confirmed that the upon graduation, the freshly graduated DIPTE cohort will help in implementing the new curriculum.

A good number of Commission officials have joined Nancy Macharia in praising the P1 teachers who opted to upgrade their teaching skills and are soon graduating with DIPTE this year.

Last week, TSC Coast Regional Director in charge of Quality Assurance and Standards, Mr.David Nganyi, assured the trainee teachers who are undergoing the program that they will be offered first hand employment upon successful graduation.

Nganyi who was speaking during the Kenya Teachers Colleges Sports Association (KTCA) Coast Region Athletics Championship held at Shanzu TTC, said there is no way TSC could employ the unskilled when there are skilled ones out there.

“We are eagerly waiting for you, as soon as you graduate, we will directly absorb you so long as you have passed all the units,” said Nganyi.

During the end of last year,TSC Director for Quality Assurance and Standards,Dr.Reuben Nthamburi also hinted on giving first priority to teachers with CBC skills.

Nthamburi urged those teachers who have not enrolled for the upgrade programme to do so to avoid future regrets.

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