Popular Principal Caught With Ksh. 300,000 in School Dismisses Cheating Allegations

Phone With Exam Answers Found in an Exam Room in Kisii

Police in Kisii Central Sub-County in Kisii county have launched investigations over alleged malpractices during the ongoing Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination at Nyanchwa Boys High school.

A police report filed yesterday indicates that, Sarah Kasana, an invigilator at the school found a phone next to the exam room placed on the table. She said after candidates completed their maths paper 2, she sought to find out the owner of the phone. “One Lillian Ondiek aged 30, sitting as a private candidate and hosted in Nyanchwa Boys Centre stepped forward and claimed the phone to be hers,” says the police report.

It adds that Lilian proceeded to reveal the phone’s password and upon checking, it was discovered that some answers for the examination had been posted on WhatsApp.

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It showed that the same had been shared in four WhatsApp groups, with one group having 12,000 members. “Police rushed to the scene and it was established that the make of the phone was Infinix hot 11 and that the answers to the mathematics paper 2 had been sent to the group 48 minutes after the official starting time of the paper at 0800 am,” says the report seen by the media.

The report says messages were being sent to participants, urging them to send Sh10,000 each for the next paper, identified as kiswahili paper 3. The student was allowed to continue writing the subsequent examinations and the phone kept as an exhibit. The incident came barely a week after the rot in the administration of the ongoing exams was unearthed, with the government moving fast to crack the whip to mitigate further malpractices.

The earliest casualties of the crackdown included three school principals who were suspended and over 20 teachers arrested over alleged involvement in facilitating cheating, confirming the decay that has rocked the national tests that are meant to mark the candidates’ transition to tertiary institutions.

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