Police Probe Dawn Arson at Maranda High School

Police Probe Dawn Arson at Maranda High School

Investigations are underway to establish the cause of a recent fire incident at Maranda High School.

It has been established that the police are however yet to make any arrests in connection with the incident.

The fire incident was reported in the national school on Thursday at dawn.

” It happened at 3 am,” our source who requested anonymity for fear of reprisals said.

The building that caught fire was being used as a store. It was once a dormitory according to our sources.

” No student was injured during the dawn inferno,” the source said.

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However, property of unknown value was destroyed according to the source.

Nyanza regional director of education Nelson Sifuna confirmed the incident.

” The school has confirmed the incident but I’m waiting for the full report on the same from them,” he said.

Reliable sources from the institution revealed that there was a commotion at the school last Sunday.

Six form four and three students have reportedly been identified as the masterminds. They are allegedly barred from going to class like the rest since the incident was reported.

” The commotion was a result of protests by some students who missed their meals. They were barred from eating on the basis that they delayed going for their ratio,” the source disclosed. They were reportedly in the playground when food was served.

The commotion reportedly led to the suspension of one of the form four students.

” The students protested and left a warning, which was written on a toilet wall that they would burn the school on October 4,” another source told The Star.

The source indicated that tension has been building in the school since February with claims of low morale amongst some teachers and a section of students

Our sources said that some teachers were disgruntled over alleged arbitrary transfers and intimidation by the administration.

“They go to class at 6 am and leave at 9 pm after supervising revision by the students,” the source said.

“The students claim that they are subjected to take several exams which they don’t want while some teachers also claim that they’re being overworked and made to work extra hours,” the source intimated.

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