You Are Transforming  Schools To Covid-19 Super Incubation Centres: Sossion Tells Government

Post police Officers in Schools to do the Caning: KNUT Responds to Magoha  

The Kenya national Union of Teachers (Knut) Secretary-General Wilson Sossion has opposed the proposal by Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha to return corporal punishment in schools as a way to tame rising indiscipline.

Instead, Sossion called for the abolishment of boarding schools in order to allow parents to have more time with their children.

He said the returning caning in schools will be putting the teachers on a collision path with learners and parents.

He warned that the move is likely to push learners into turning against their teachers, whose consequences may be disastrous.

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According to Sossion, the Covid 19 lockdown period has helped to expose how parents have left the work of disciplining children to teachers.

“We will not accept the return of corporal punishment which will put our teachers in conflict with the leaners. If they want to return it, let them post police officers to schools who will be doing the caning job because these teenagers are likely to kill the teachers,” said Sossion.

Prof Magoha had on Thursday called for the reintroduction of canes in schools as a way to tame the rising school unrests and runaway indiscipline.

Speaking at a school in Kisii County, Prof Magoha attributed the rise in cases of school arson and attacks on teachers to the withdrawal of the cane.

“I may appear old school but I think we are at a time when we need to discuss how we can bring sanity in our schools and maybe bring the cane on board once more,” said Prof Magoha.

Parents to blame

However, the Knut boss argued that the indiscipline is caused by parents absconding their duties of instilling morals in their children.

Mr Sossion argued that the role of the teachers is to guide and teach the learners and that parents need to play their role.

“It is time for this country to abolish all boarding schools and have state-of-the-art day schools. We want the parents to regain their skills of guiding their children after work as the work of the teachers is to impart knowledge and values between 8am to 5pm,” said Sossion.

Sossion maintained that the union is still strong and will continue to fight for the rights of teachers.

He castigated the government of fighting the labour movement through the Teachers Service Commission instead of engaging them.

“Anti-labour actions are not desired and are not the solution of achieving labour relations but engaging and working with strong unions is what has made Kenyan education the best in Africa in terms of quality and access,” said Sossion.

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