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Primary School Head Teachers to Get JSS Deployment Letters

Primary school headteachers have officially been issued with deployment letters to act as junior secondary school Principals.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has this week through its Sub County Directors issued the school heads with the letters which makes the management mandate official.

TSC did not look at the headteachers qualification one was issued with deployment letters provided he/she had junior secondary domiciled at the school.

Read also:

Teachers Deployed to JSS to Earn Higher Salaries

TSC extends JSS application Deadline

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Whether junior secondary will have other administrators soon it’s still a puzzle. There are still numerous vacancies to be filled in this category of school.

These include Senior Master Position, Deputy Principal, Heads of Departments among others.

At the same time the Commission through its social media platforms made an announcement that the application for deployment for primary school teachers is reactivated and will go on till 22nd March.

“The Commission has extended the period of application for deployment to junior Secondary Schools. The portal has been re-opened. Primary school teachers with requisite qualifications are encouraged to apply. Use the following link https://tsconline.tsc.go.ke/tsc-teacher/login to access the portal. Deadline for application is 22nd March 2023,” said TSC.

This is to allow many PTE teachers who were locked out of the exercise in the first round. Already the first cohorts had their documents verified and those successful were issued with posting letters

The deployed teachers start at job group C2 where they will serve for a period of three years before being moved automatically to job group C3.

salary for a deployed C2 teacher

Basic salary 34,955

House allowance (other areas) 7.500

Hardship 10,900

Commuter 5.000

Leave (paid only in January) 6,000

However, TSC has now lowered the requirements for deployment to junior secondary. This is to allow teachers with pre-university qualifications to submit applications.

The Commission says practicing P1 teachers who got pre-university qualification on or before 31st December,2015 should be considered for deployment to junior secondary.

This means those teachers who joined university with KCSE mean grade of C (plain) but did bridging course before pursuing degree are qualified to teach Grade 7,8 and 9 learners.

TSC is however yet to lower the requirements to allow primary school teachers with other Diploma and Degree certificates like those with primary option.

The Commission says primary School teachers wishing to be deployed to JSS must be qualified to teach in secondary schools. The teacher MUST meet the following requirements:

i) Have an active registration as a teacher with the Teachers Service Commission.

ii) Is employed as a primary school teacher with the Teachers Service Commission.

iii) Should not be currently serving an interdiction or undergoing a disciplinary process.

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