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Primary school teachers Want TSC To Allow Them Teach Junior Secondary

Over 8,000 school headteachers who had a headteachers’ conference in Mombasa ended the conference by resolving for a push to have grades 7, 8, and 9 under CBC domiciled in primary schools. Their argument was that they had the capacity to oversee junior secondary. They went further and begged the teachers service commission, TSC, to allow them teach junior secondary schools as their high school counterparts teach senior secondary, arguing that they have all it takes to handle high school students.

The proposal by the headteachers to push for Grade 7, 8, and 9 to be domiciled in primary schools, comes a day after the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) appears to place a caveat on primary school teachers, who can be promoted to teach in secondary schools.

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After a three-day conference, Kenya Primary School Head Teachers’ Association (Kepsha) also resolved to back the proposal to convert all secondary boarding schools to day schools.

They said this would enable parents to participate in raising their children to tame cases of arson in secondary schools and improve education standards.

TSC had on Wednesday said that only teachers who scored a mean grade of C+ in the Kenya Certificate for Secondary Examination (KCSE) would be promoted to teach in secondary schools, even if they were degree holders.

This ordinarily blocked thousands of teachers, who scored below the C+ in the KCSE but followed the path of diploma to acquire degree and master’s degrees.

The headteachers resolved to continue supporting CBC system, which has been initiated by the government to replace the 8-4-4 system.

The headteachers supported Knut Secretary-General Collins Oyuu who proposed that all schools in the country should be made day school.

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