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Promotions Upto Job group C2 For P1 Teachers Automated

Classroom teachers in primary schools have a reason to smile under the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) for teachers.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) changed the grading system for primary and secondary school teachers immediately after signing of the sh 54 billion Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)2017 to 2021 between it and the three teachers’ unions.

According to the Commission CPG are clear modalities designed to enable the Commission implement the CBA.

TSC adopted the Career Progression Guidelines as a way of grading and promoting teachers to various grades.

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There are eight (8) grades that a primary school teacher can go through while in service. The job grades are scaled according to the relative worth of each job.

In July 2023 all primary school teachers in job group C1 will automatically move to job group C2 which is equivalent to former job group Which is the starting job group for graduate secondary school teachers.

Primary school teachers who are in job group B5 will move to job group C1. However primary school teachers who are in job group C2 will need to attend interview for them to move to job Group C3.

Job group C3 is a promotional grade for primary school teachers. It is also an entry grade into the administrative cadre. Entry into this grade is competitive and subject to availability of vacancies.

All primary school teachers who are deployed to teach in secondary schools also start in this job group. According to the Teachers Service Commission, CPG has solved job stagnation for teachers.

It is worth noting that prior to the implementations of CPGs, the Commission was promoting teachers using three schemes of service (certificate, degree and Diploma) based on qualification and experience; this caused stagnation in one job group.

The Commission adopted CPG in 2017 to enable implementation of the Job Evaluation (JE) and the CBA that was signed in 2016. The guidelines outline the descriptions. specifications, and competencies for each job.

Job Evaluation was conducted where all the stakeholders were involved. These were the KNUT, KUPPET, KESSHA, KEPSHA and the Parents Association.

Implementation of the job evaluation report stopped any further promotion of teachers on attainment of higher qualifications.

However, a report by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) disclosed that the last job evaluation was skewed, favoring school heads while leaving classroom teachers with nothing.

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