Protests As TSC Redeploys Newly recruited Teachers From Garissa

Protests As TSC Redeploys Newly recruited Teachers From Garissa

Parents and learners from Garissa county have protested the transfer of recently recruited teachers from Ijara and Fafi sub counties of Garissa county. TSC cited safety of the teachers as the reason for transferring them.

All the newly recruited non-local teachers in Ijara and Fafi have been redeployed to safer areas, a move that has sparked protests from locals, demanding the cancellation of the transfers.

TSC redeployed the non-local teachers from Garissa, following continuous and deliberate attacks on the tutors in the region.

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The children and their parents held demonstrations in Bura, asking the government to cancel all transfers since the move will jeopardise their future. The duo chanted “haki yetu” slogans as they protested with branches and placards.

“We came to the streets with our children because we are angered by what the government is doing. Are we not Kenyans? Don’t our children deserve quality education?” asked a concerned parent.

The parent urged the government to strengthen security instead of transferring teachers to other areas since such redeployments will negatively impact on the quality of education that their children get.

Aspiring Fafi Mp, Mohamed Diis Shafat, demanded to know who ordered the transfer of teachers, arguing that there were no security threats in the area.

“These teachers were transferred a week after they were posted. Who gives such kind of orders? Every Kenyan has a right to quality education and we will not accept such a move,” Shafat told the Star.

Kenya National Union of Teachers executive secretary Garissa branch,  Abdirizack Hussein said they will seek a workable  solution for the matter.

He said the redeployment might have a devastating impact, arguing that children left without education might easily fall prey to militant groups.

“Why are you recruiting these teachers if you will redeploy them immediately? This is just taking these institutions as a recruitment bureau,” Hussein said.

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