KNUT Petitions TSC At The Supreme Court

Recently Elected KNUT Leaders Demand Removal Of Sossion

A section of KNUT officials have demanded the removal of secretary general Wilson Sossion, alleging that he is the cause of reduced sanity in the union.

Lead by Baringo chairman Musa Kipkoti, the officials blamed Sossion for the rift between TSC and KNUT.I have personally done my conclusive research and found that Sossion is the main cause of all the challenges we are currently facing as a union,” said Kipkoti.

Kipkoti said that it is time for the relationship between TSC and KNUT to be reinstated so as to salvage the interest of majority of Kenyan teachers.

“I am pushing for an immediate reshuffle to be done in the national office and especially have Sossion removed,” he added.

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These statements come barely 60 days to the KNUT national elections which are set for June 2021. The leader blamed his boss for spending so much energy in fighting the government instead of embracing amicable dialogue.

“While Sossion comfortably enjoys constant salaries as a nominated member of parliament, we continue to suffer without salaries,” said Kipkoti. According to Kipkoti, KNUT should not be frustrated by TSC as it has been in the past, just because of an individual.

Kipkoti was supported by Baringo woman representative Esther Cheptumo, who said its high time serious changes are done to salvage the crippling union. She urged Sossion to step down so that the union regains its life and vibrancy.

“We are what we are today because of unnecessary fight and firm action must be taken to bring things back to normal,” quipped Cheptumo.

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