Reflection On first Practicum Workshop by Dr. Jane Rarieya on 27th July 2021

Reflection On first Practicum Workshop by Dr. Jane Rarieya on 27th July 2021

The workshop conducted by Dr. Jane Rarieya on Tuesday 27th July 2021 was about reflection. During the workshop I learnt that reflections are very important activities in teaching and learning yet the most ignored by most teachers, leading to undesirable results. The workshop demonstrated the cyclic nature of reflection, including description stage-feelings-evaluation stage-analysis stage-conclusion-action plan, and finally back to description stage. The speaker stressed that for a better result-yielding reflection experience, no stage of the reflection process should be ignored.

The speaker then highlighted the 5W’s of reflection; what, why, who, where and when. These 5W’s must be adhered to during reflection. Finally, the workshop ended with various ways of reflection.

I was challenged to reflect before, during and after my lessons since it is through reflection that I get to handle subsequent lessons and classes in a different way so as to experience different results. In addition, it is through reflection that I get to know the positive and negative experiences during my lessons. Being that learners are never the same, reflection also assists in devising mechanisms unique for each cohort of learners.

Having known the benefits of reflection, the cyclic nature of reflection, the 5W’s of reflection and the various ways of reflecting, I plan to conduct reflection exercises in school once I resume my teaching classes. I will also develop a habit of reflecting in future workshops.

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