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Release 2023 Examiners’ Wages Upfront to End Delay, MPs Tell Treasury

As this year’s candidates prepare to write their national exams in about two months’ time, National Assembly Committee on Education has demanded that the National Treasury releases money meant to pay examiners to Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) in advance to enable the council pay them promptly.

Committee, chaired by Tinderet MP Julius Melly, said the move will allow the council to pay the examiners in time to avoid delays that are occasionally witnessed every exam cycle. Melly was speaking yesterday when the committee visited the new Knec offices in South C. The MP criticised the National Treasury for the delay in releasing money meant to pay examiners.

“We are now demanding that the National Treasury allocates resources in time so that the examiners are paid in time immediately after they are done with their work. We have made it very clear to the council, do not ever do this again without the money. We are also telling the Treasury, do not ever have the examiners engaged without money being released to Knec,” Melly stated. Chairman added that in the coming supplementary budget, they are going to ensure examiners are given priority so that they get paid in under two months after they clear the marking.

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“The examiners have done their duty and it is against the Public Finance Management Act for the government to procure the services of examiners, without having resources. The Act is very clear, you don’t procure if you don’t have the money,” he added. The committee further urged the national examination body to formulate a better policy on how exams are administered to students admitted to hospitals due to sickness or pregnancy.

Melly revealed that the Committee is proposing the introduction of supplementary exams as a remedy for hospitalised students in future after this year’s exams.

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