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Relief To KNUT As An MP Launches A Plan To Save It From The Deadly Jaws Of TSC

A legislator has requested parliament to rescue the Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT, from TSC’s shackles of death.

Lurambi MP, Titus Khamala stated in parliament that KNUT is in the verge of collapsing in the dangerous arms of the teacher’s employer, unless the national assembly intervenes.

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“We cannot allow a giant union that was formed by gallant Kenyans through hardwork, sacrifice and even blood to just die like that,” Khamala said.

According to Khamala’s statement, TSC has strategically plotted to silence the voice of teachers.

Khamala felt that KNUT, which TSC is struggling to eliminate, is TSC’s own mother and it’s ironical for a mother to die in the arms of a child.

“The rate at which thousands of teachers are being coerced to quit KNUT for a rival union or be on their own is dangerous,” He said.

Khamati asked parliament to intervene and come up with measures to rein in TSC and save the teachers union from imminent collapse.

Khamala informed the parliament that TSC act should be amended since it has given unnecessary powers to the chair and chief executive officer, and both are unconstitutionally abusing the powers.

The MP revealed the parliament plans to discuss the disputes between KNUT and TSC, upon coming back from recess.

KNUT and TSC have been in endless tussles, which have seen the former loose more than 90% of its members, resulting to a significant drop in dues. Significantly, a good number of the KNUT branches country wide have been closed and some employees laid off unceremoniously.

If parliament solves this, TSC chairperson and CEO will be stripped some powers and the KNUT register will be reinstated.

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