Relief to teachers as a legislator saves their 2021-2025 CBA From Lethal Shackles of TSC, SRC

Relief to teachers as a legislator saves their 2021-2025 CBA From Lethal Shackles of TSC, SRC

Teachers across the country can now have a sigh of relief since the efforts by Mvita Member of Parliament to recover their 2021-2025 CBA is bearing observable fruits.

Abdulswammad Sherrif Nassir, the MP for Mvita, has strongly pushed TSC to present a counter CBA 2021-2025 proposal to the teachers and ensure that negotiations are completed so that teachers get a new CBA by July.

“Pursuant to the provision of the standing order no. 44, 2 ©, I seek to request a statement from the chairperson of the departmental committee of education, regarding renewal of teachers CBA,” began the legislator in parliament.

Nassir confirmed that teachers have a lot of anxiety since the current CBA is about to expire yet there are no hopes for the next CBA.

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“The current CBA between the teachers service commission, TSC and teachers across the country is set to expire in a matter of weeks, thereby creating unwarranted anxiety among teachers.

Nassir also blamed the negotiations delay on TSC, claiming that KNUT and SRC have done their parts yet TSC has failed.

“Already the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), as well as the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, (SRC) have submitted their respective CBA proposals but TSC is yet to forward any proposal from its end,” stressed Nassir

The MP for Mvita therefore sought a statement from the chairperson of the departmental committee on education, responding to the following questions:

  1. Within which specific timelines is the TSC planning to submit its CBA proposal for teachers in order to renew the current CBA?
  2. How many KNUT members have either not been promoted or have not received salary increment as per the current CBA.

In response, Florence Mutua, the chairperson of the parliamentary committee on education revealed that there is something for teachers at the end of the month.

“CBA is coming to an end. I met madam Nancy this morning and she said she will look into the matter urgently. We are expecting a response as soon as possible. We have to have something for teachers at the end of the month,” said mutual before parliament.

She also asked about the counter proposal and was told she will get response in a week.

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