Registration Of 2021 KCPE, KCSE Candidates Extended by two weeks

Reprieve To Grade Six Learners as Magoha Extends Junior Secondary School Selection Deadline

2022 Grade Six learners have gotten a reprieve after the government extended the junior secondary school selection exercise by 11days. The selection deadline will now end on September 10 as opposed to the previous August 30 deadline.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha yesterday confirmed that the exercise has faced untold challenges due to the disruption of the second term academic calendar, resulting to unexpected delays. He maintained that his ministry has put in place strict measures to ensure learners select their preferred schools.

“We have done extremely well in terms of registering our children for Grade Seven. We are also human as we have interfered with some dates. We started late and we have had hiccups. Therefore, as a government, we have decided to extend the school selection process for another 10 days,” said Prof Magoha.

Read also:

List of Regional Junior Secondary Schools With Day-School Wings

List of National Junior Secondary Schools With Day-School Wings

List of Day Schools Categorized Under County Junior Secondary Schools Per County

Final  List Of Approved Private Junior Secondary Schools Per County

Final List of Public Junior Secondary Schools

Final  List of Primary schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final  List of national schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final  List of Regional Junior Junior Secondary schools

Final List of county schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final  List of sub-county schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Best Junior Secondary Schools To Select For Grade 7

The Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) opened the selection portal on August 16. However, learners began the exercise late after school reopening was pushed to August 18 to allow the August 9 General Election to be completed.

Prof Magoha asked parents whose children have not selected schools to do so. “By September 10, if your child has not selected schools, it becomes your problem.”

Learners are required to select two national schools, two regional schools, two county schools, four sub-county schools and two private schools of their choice.

According to the ministry, most learners will be placed in day schools near their homes, with some of them placed in primary schools sharing a compound with secondary schools.

The ministry has also approved private schools with relevant infrastructure and laboratories for junior secondary placement.

Prof Magoha said parents who will choose to have their children placed in private schools will not benefit from the government free secondary school programme. So far, private schools are offering 369,948 slots for junior secondary. Most of those offering the slots are private primary schools that have expanded their infrastructure to retain their current students. Most of the schools are in Nairobi (60,359 slots), followed by Kiambu (22,665 slots).

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