Respect Oyuu, Teachers Told

Teachers in Nyanza region have been asked to accord the Kenya National Union of Teachers(KNUT)Secretary General Mr. Collins Oyuu the respect he deserves.

Speaking during a consultative meeting in the region,National Executive Committee (NEC) Nyanza members,Alex Dunga and Edward Olando strongly condemned the habit by some teachers of hurling insults to Oyuu through social media and blogs, and warned them to stop.

Dunga,who is also the KNUT Siaya branch Executive Secretary, reminded the teachers that Oyuu is now a national official and not the ordinary teacher they may have known within their locality.

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Olando,who is also the KNUT Kisumu West branch Executive Secretary,cautioned the teachers against joking with the coveted Secretary General post,warning that the region may not have the privilege of holding such a position any soon after Oyuu’s exit.

He vowed to defend the Secretary-General so that he discharges his duties effectively. The union Deputy Secretary General Hesbon Otieno regretted that Oyuu’s biggest critics came from Nyanza despite the fact that he hailed from the same region.

They took the opportunity to urge young teachers in the region to join the union so that they may have strong bargaining power.

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