Riokindo Boys KCSE 2020 Results and grades distribution

Riokindo Boys  KCSE 2021 Results and grades distribution

Riokindo High School school is an extra county secondary school in Kisii county. The Boys School has over the years performed exemplarily in KCSE exam.

The good news is that, all 268 candidates from the school attained at least C+ which is the minimum university entry grade.

Impressively, Seventeen(17) candidates scored A-

Data from the school show that in 1990s Riokiondo Boys was accustomed to excellence. Unfortunately, for more a decade, the institution in Bomachoge Borabu Constituency disappeared from the academic map.

Mr. Fred Mogaka who is the school principal and a Mathematics teacher,  acknowledges that the journey to academic excellence has not been a walk in the park.

KCSE 2021

In the just released KCSE 2021 examinations, the school recorded a mean score of 9.33333 which is a B+ (plus).

While releasing KCSE 2021 results, CS Magoha listed, Riokindo Boys as one of the little known schools that recorded remarkable improvement by posting impressive results.


Overall, 268 candidates were registered in the KCSE 2021 exam.

The good news is that 268 out of 268 candidates managed to score above C+ (plus), which is the minimum university entry grade. This translates to a percentage of 100% securing direct entry to university under the placement body, KUCCPS.

Here is a complete distribution of grades for the school in KCSE 2021 results;

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