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Ruto Extends Term For Education Reforms Taskforce

The term for the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER) has now been extended to June 9. Head of Public Service, Felix Koskei announced the extension in a Gazette Notice dated April 12. “It is notified for the general information of the public that President William Ruto has extended the term of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform appointed vide Gazette Notice No. 11920 of 2022 to June 9,” said Koskei.

The working group, led by Prof Raphael Munavu, had sought an extension of its term, which was to end last month to fine tune the report. Similarly, sources privy to the working group said that there was need for validation of the report, through a national conference to allow public participation. The official also stated that the public participation forum will further give the report validity and acceptability, hence the need for extension of tenure to deal with such critical issues.

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“We are seeking an extension because time ended in March but there are still things that need to be taken care of before it is finally submitted. You know Kenyans will say we went round and collected views but you did not come back so that we can know whether what we told you is in the report. If it is not validated, people may go to court and mess up the whole process again,” sources said.

The official said the report is almost done though the toughest part of the process was university education, which required extremely bold decisions. The university sector has been ailing for several years now and requires bold moves to correct it once and for all. “Our biggest thing will be university education and once we crack it with the working party, it will be the most critical thing for this country,” said the official.

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