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School Calendar is not Your Property, KUPPET Tells Magoha

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has raised concerns over immediate closure of schools countrywide by the Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha, maintaining that as a union representing teachers, they were not consulted.

KUPPET Secretary General Akelo Misori, in an immediate statement released yesterday, stated that the school Calendar is not the cabinet secretary’s property and termed the closure of schools as a casual move which has left parents in a state of helplessness and confusion.

“KUPPET is extremely concerned by the casual manner in which the Ministry of Education has announced the closure of schools for the elections. The school calendar is not a property of the Cabinet Secretary for Education which he can shuffle as he wishes. The calendar is a pertinent planning tool for schools, parents and leaders themselves,” said Misori.

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Further, Misori stated that Magoha knew the election will be on August 9,2022 and that schools would be used as polling stations and IEBC training venues.

According to Misori, the union wasn’t consulted and the closure of schools will seriously disrupt the delivery of the curriculum, since most schools had planned for internal examinations ahead of the initial closure date which was August 6,2022. Additionally, parents, especially those with children in boarding schools had organized logistics for their travel based on the original calendar.

“The CS asserted that his unilateral decision came after “further consultations. “ The immediate question is consultation with who? Any stakeholder with a legitimate interest in the school calendar would have advised against the hasty decision, “said Misori.

Misori further insists that CS must immediately consult stakeholders on when schools should re-open; adding that in their view as KUPPET, Monday August 15,2022 seems more conducive for re-opening.

“Most shockingly, the Minister wants schools to re-open on 10 August-the day after the election. This is outright impractical, since the elections will take nearly a week to be completed. Moreover, parents need reasonable time to assess whether their children can travel and settle in schools safely,” stated Misori.

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