School Games To Resume As Stakeholders Set To Receive Training On Sports Resumption

School Games To Resume As Stakeholders Set To Receive Training On Sports Resumption

The ministry of education has invited some key stakeholders for a one-day workshop aimed at addressing the sports resumption protocols in the country.

“The following key stakeholders in the region are invited to a one-day workshop on cascading the covid 19/MOH/MOE/KSSA sports resumption protocols on Tuesday 19th October 2021,” reads part of a memo written by a director of education to all county directors of education and TSC county directors in the region.

Among the stakeholders invited for the workshop are; regional directors of education, TSC regional directors, regional quality assurance and standard officers, regional Kenya secondary school heads association chairpersons, county directors of education, TSC county directors, county quality assurance and standards officers, and the executive members of the Kenya secondary school sports association.

It is now clear that the workshops, which will require a physical attendance, will be conducted at regional levels. The regional directors of education, who will be facilitating the workshops at their regions, had been sensitized through a similar workshop at the national level.

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After the regional workshop, the attendees will be expected to organize a similar workshop in their counties, which will be aimed at sensitizing the sub-county directors of education, TSC sub county directors, sub-county quality assurance and standards officers, sub-county Kenya secondary school heads association chair persons and sub county Kenya secondary school sports association executive members.

All heads of games departments will attend a similar workshop at the sub-county level, from where they hold workshops in their various schools.

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