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Schools Given 10 Weeks to Asses Grades 4-6 practical subjects

Though School heads started to download Grades 3-6 assessment papers on Monday, only a few of the practical subjects for upper primary will be available for download.

According to a timetable released by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC), the subjects will be available at different times.

“Schools will be able to access Grades 4, 5 and 6 practical subjects from July 18 to August 15, and should be uploaded by September 16,” shows the timetable.

Despite being downloaded within a time span of two weeks, all practical subjects should be submitted by September 16.

For the first two weeks – July 18 to September 16 –learners will be assessed in agriculture.

“Art and craft, music will be available for downloading from August 1,” the timetable reads.

Learners will only have a week to be assessed before they break for half-term on August 11.

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When they resume, teachers will continue administering another set of four practical subjects.

“Science and technology, social studies, physical and health education and home science will be available from August 15,” the timetable shows.

Grade 3 and foundation level learners will go through an integrated learning assessment.

They include regular learners, hearing impaired learners, visually impaired, physical disabilities and SNE foundation level.

Teachers will have one month after administering all these exams to mark and submit the assessments by September 16.

The subjects which will be assessed during this period are all compulsory subjects in the upper primary category.

Upper primary consists of Grade 4,5 and 6 while Grade 3 is in the early years of education.

The learners will remain with four subjects which will be assessed in the third term.

The subjects are English, mathematics, Kiswahili, religious education, and optional subjects.

The optional subjects in the upper primary are Kenyan sign language, foreign languages, braille literacy and indigenous languages.

Foreign languages to be offered are French, German, Mandarin, and Arabic.

According to the Basic Education Curriculum Framework, learners are expected to choose a minimum of one and a maximum of two subjects.

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