Senate Cautions Treasury Over CBC funds delay

Senate Cautions Treasury Over CBC funds delay

The Senate Committee on Education has warned that failure by Treasury to release funds to schools could push the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) to an unexpected crisis.

The senate Committee on education chair Alice Milgo said the delay by Treasury to disburse funds could affect continuity of the aniticipated education system.

“The Senate Committee on Education is fully behind the Competency-Based Curriculum as it will provide skills for our children, but funding is turning out to be a new challenge,” said Milgo.

Milgo was speaking in Naivasha, where Senate committee members met stakeholders in the education sector to discuss the implementation of CBC.

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The committee feared that the most affected are primary school pupils who will be joining Grade Six in May next year.

Yesterday, the committee Members revealed that over 1,000 public schools across the country had not received learning materials under the Digital Learning Programme (DLP), due to lack of funding.

According to Milgo the Committee was keen on having a total of 1,119 public schools supplied with learning materials under the programme.

While lauding the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) for its commitment to making sure that CBC was successful, Milgo said they were ready to summon the Treasury Cabinet secretary over the delay in releasing funds.

On the controversial compulsory Teacher Professional Development (TPD) training programme, Milgo challenged the government to cater for the financial logistics.

Her sentiments were echoed by nominated senator Getrude Musuruve, who said that the government should cater fully for the training.

“We support the move to train teachers under the new curriculum, but the government should fund this as an incentive to the teaching fraternity,” she said.

Dr Musuruve, who represents people with disability, added that more funds should be allocated to the education docket, and mainly in supporting students with special needs.

“We are impressed by the measures put in place by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development in making sure that students with special needs can learn,” she said.

Meanwhile, KICD Chief Executive Officer Charles Ong’ondo, said they had started the process of engaging education stakeholders on the new curriculum.

“We are committed in this exercise of making sure that the CBC is successful and we shall in future involve the senate committee in all our undertakings,” said Prof Ong’ondo.

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