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Senior TSC Officials Quit, Citing Frustrations

A wave of uncertainty has rocked the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) after a number of its senior officers resigned in droves under unclear circumstances.

Source have attributed the sudden turn of events to frustrations at the working place and a toxic working environment.

It has emerged that three top directors who were in charge of various directorates at the Commission secretariat recently left in a huff and penned their resignations. It is understood two of these Heads of Departments have already landed greener pastures within other Government sectors.

The embattled Director in charge of Staffing, Rita Wahome reportedly handed in her resignation towards the end of last week.

Others who took the bold move include Isaac Ng’ang’a, who was the Commission’s Director in charge of Internal Audit and Charles Gichira who was the Director in charge of the Commission’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

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Also following the same script is TSC’s Transport Manager who also resigned from office to take up employment at the Office of the Solicitor-General.

Wahome, who for long was a Dr.Nancy Macharia ally, has been the Director in the Staffing Division which is one of the most influential divisions of the Commission’s Secretariat since August 2018 when the Commission made some changes in the Staffing division aimed at enhancing service delivery and efficiency.

Her relationship with her boss seems to have gone south and in 2021 for instance, she was suspended for some time under mysterious circumstances and was later reinstated to office leaving many unanswered questions.

In late 2022, Wahome was moved to the less visible Field Services docket as a Director to replace Mary Rotich who retired early the same year.

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