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Sossion Opposes 2023 Double Intake of CBC Grade 7 and Form Ones

The double intake for the pioneer Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) and Form One learners could grind the education system to a halt, former Kenya National Union of Teachers secretary-general Wilson Sossion said yesterday.

Sossion, in an interview with a popular media, warned that the education sector lacks the capacity, infrastructure and human resource to undertake the double intake set for January next year. Commending President William Ruto’s move to form a task force to review the contentious CBC system, Sossion said it would guide the way forward on the education system.

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“Kenyans have a decision to make. Even if it is throwing it out, they should not fear. After all, no CBC has been going on. The Government should scale down education reforms,” Sossion said.

Forced down Saying his interest is to see stability in the education sector, Sossion claimed CBC is being forced on Kenyans without professional perspectives. “We want a curriculum that is exciting to learners, easy to be delivered by teachers, well resourced … and where teachers are properly recruited, supported and remunerated so that we can produce a competitive human resource,” he said.

He advocated a higher budget allocation to the Teachers Service Commission to hire 58,000 tutors, adding that Grade Six learners should move to Grade Seven in the schools they are in now. Just before CBC’s inception, then-Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed suspended its planned roll-out to give room for more preparation and training of teachers. But the decision was overruled and CBC was rolled out nationally in January 2019. ‘

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