SRC'S 2021-2025 CBA Shocker For Teachers

SRC Job Group Evaluation Favours Classroom Teachers

It is a major win for classroom teachers as a new job evaluation finally recognizes their huge role in school, setting stage for higher pay from July 2021 when the 2017-2021 CBA ends.

A report by the SRC has revealed that the last job evaluation was skewed, favouring school heads while leaving classroom teachers broke.

According to the report,  present job descriptions of the classrooms teachers, based on the 2016/2017 evaluation, grossly undervalued their worth, resulting in poor pay.

It discloses that the present Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), implemented based on the last job evaluation, heavily favoured head teachers as it did not aptly capture classroom teachers’ job descriptions.

“There were significant disparities in the compensation and career progression between the institutional administrators and classroom teachers in the teaching profession as the job evaluation results for 2016/2017 did not adequately cater for the remuneration of classroom teachers. This might be attributed to poor development of job descriptions in 2016,” reads the report.

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This means for the last four years, classroom teachers, who are also the majority staff, were underpaid in the entire period of 2017-2021 CBA.

Details of the current CBA shows primary school head teachers and secondary school principals were moved to higher job grades in 2016.

All primary school heads of boarding and day schools were automatically move up to Grade D1, earning between Sh77,840 to Sh93,408.

Primary head teachers with lower students’ population were elevated to C5, earning Sh62,272 and Sh77,840.

Primary school deputy head teachers were also moved up to grade C5 and Grade C4, earning between Sh52,308 and 65,385.

Senior primary teachers were moved up, to grade C2, to earn between Sh34,955 and 43,694.

Principals of national schools were moved to Grade D5 for salaries of between Sh131,380 and Sh157,656 per month. The pay was also based on the school categories. Principals of extra-county schools moved to grade D5 as their deputies move to D3.

Principals of county schools were moved to grade D4 as those of sub-county boarding schools  rose to Grade D4. Deputies head teachers of county and sub-county schools moved to grades D3 and D2 respectively.

Principals of sub-county day schools moved to group D3 and secondary school senior headmasters moved to Grade D4.

This was based on a newly grading structure for the Teaching Service which ranged from T-Scale 15 (job group D5) for the Chief Principal to T- Scale 5 (B5) for the Primary Teacher II being the lowest grade.

The current grading favoured school mangers, with classrooms teachers only getting minimal pay. However, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) said it reflected the relative worth of the job and level of responsibility, decision-making and impact. The new evaluation has however retained the grading structure.

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