SRC'S 2021-2025 CBA Shocker For Teachers

SRC Releases Draft Allowances Policy: Civil Servants Favoured

SRC has released new staffing and remuneration guidelines which will be aimed at reducing the country’s high wage bill. The new guidelines have favoured current civil servants, who were to suffer huge allowance cuts according to earlier reports.

Initially, SRC had announced plans to cap civil servants allowances at less than 40 percent of their monthly gross salaries. According to the new report, the capping will only apply to new government employees and those joining new job groups. However, current civil servants will continue to enjoy their current allowances without any capping. This simply implies that the over 865,000 workers at state and government cooperations have been cushioned by SRC, following the draft allowances policy released by the latter on earlier this week.

Among the SRC’s strategies to lower the ballooning wage bill include freezing new employments, revising employees’ register to remove proxy workers, and capping allowances.

The remunerative and facilitative allowances, which were only 31 in 1999, are currently at 247. Some workers even earn a higher sum of all allowances compared to their salaries.

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“Allowances and benefits that are abolished will cease to apply to any new employee in the organization or new to the grade, “reads the draft policy guidelines.

“The employees currently being paid the allowances will continue to enjoy the allowances. This condition will not apply to facilitative allowance,” the report reads further. Usually, facilitative allowances cater for employees expenses outside work stations. SRC claims that such allowances have been misappropriated yet have inflated salaries.

“The allowances have taken a remunerative dimension, yet they were intended to be facilitative in nature. This has resulted in promotion of arbitrage opportunities by public officers to increase the frequency for payment and application, against the policy of prudent management of public resources” reads the report.

Wages in the public sector include; basic salaries and remunerative allowances like house, commuter, hardship, extraneous, domestic and risk. For current public servants, these allowances will continue to reflect on pays lips as they currently are but for new employees, they will be subjected to some cuts.

According to the report, most of the allowances being paid are already catered for in the basic salaries. These include medical allowance, utility allowance and entertainment allowance.

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