SRC: Salary Hikes After 2021-2025 CBA Will Depend On State Of Economy And Performance

SRC to benchmark Teachers’ pay against their regional peers

The salaries’ agency wants to survey earnings of East African Community (EAC) teachers and use the findings to determine the appropriate pay for Kenyan teachers.

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) is seeking a consultant to carry out a salary survey in public schools in the six east African countries.

The findings, SRC says, will provide lessons on the best salary structure designs, and remuneration practices to guide it in establishing the market remuneration rate for local teachers.

“Similarity in salary structure designs in member states will promote labour stability in the region,” says SRC.

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The interview panel will also hire one commissioner for Rift valley region.

The benchmarking process will start mid next month and comes on the back of increased push for pay rises among Kenyan teachers.

Teachers in Kenya have on several occasions downed their tools citing poor pay. Some teachers have opted to quit teaching for more lucrative jobs, worsening the teacher-to-learner ratio.

Despite the collective bargaining agreement, CBA, that teachers’ unions will sign with the teachers service commission in July, SRC still feels that teachers’ salaries should be harmonised with their peers in other East African countries.

The SRC salary survey for benchmarking jobs will cover teacher salaries in  Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

It will assess the size of pay and salary structures in each EAC member state.

The survey is in line with SRC Act which requires it to conduct comparative surveys on labour markets and trends in remuneration to determine the monetary worth of the jobs of public officers.

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