KUPPET’s End Year Report Spells Teachers’ Roles and Challenges When schools Reopen Next Week

Strengthen TSC Rather Than Undermining Its Functions, KUPPET Tells Reforms Team

The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers has opposed some recommendations in the Presidential Working Party on education reforms.

They say these proposals could curtail the responsibilities of the Teachers Service Commission and impede the employment rights of educators.

Speaking in Nandi South during the union’s Annual General Meeting, Kuppet national chairman Omboko Milemba and Secretary General Akelo Misori said certain proposals should be removed.

Milemba said TSC has played a crucial role in employment and supervision within the education sector, and any attempts to limit its authority would infringe upon the rights of teachers.

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“Certain recommendations must be carefully examined, especially those that interfere with the TSC. Education reforms should strengthen existing institutions rather than undermine their functions,” he said.

He said some proposals had been introduced without seeking input from education stakeholders regarding the management and supervision of teachers.

“We cannot allow the roles of the TSC to be transferred to other government agencies. It has been suggested that county commissioners and provisional administrators take over the role of overseeing teachers in schools, but we oppose such changes,” said Omboko.

Last week, the National Assembly expressed concerns about the implementation of education reforms without the approval of Parliament.

“We need to reconsider the laws affecting institutional structures, and we will push for parliamentary review to ensure the new education policies are effective for all. Teacher welfare must also be taken into account for an efficient and conducive working environment,” added Omboko.

Misori said the salary increase of between 7 and 9.5 per cent is a positive step, but he also mentioned that it falls short of the teachers’ expectations. He disclosed that negotiations for a future pay rise are still ongoing.

“We are demanding an increase of up to 50 per cent and are also insisting on teachers’ promotions in accordance with this increase. Remuneration should be extended to teachers who have attained Masters and Doctorate degrees while in service,” Misori said.

Misori accused the government of failing to disburse the capitation funds, saying school administrators are silently struggling.

“The principals are reluctant to admit they have not received funds from the national treasury, despite receiving four circulars since September 15. The Education ministry should ensure funds are released for smooth operation.”

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