Students Report a High-Handed Principal to Sub-County Director of Education

Students Report a High-Handed Principal to Sub-County Director of Education

Riyabu ELCK Secondary School students went on a rampage in Kisii town yesterday over their principal’s high-handedness among other grievances.

The rioting learners walked for more than 10 kilometres braving the morning chills as they sought audience from Kenyenya Sub county Director of Education, Mr George Ouma over their list of issues with their Principal.

“We have come to air out our grievances to this office with the hope that they will find a way forward,” said a student.

Some students carried leaves and danced in protest while others walked into shops demanding sweets and biscuits as others threatened bystanders who tried to break their protest.

When given audience by the Director, they complained of high-handedness from their Principal, Mrs Christine.

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In addition, they said that she provided less food and denied them quality uniform despite their parents paying for them.

Other complaints included lack of clean drinking water in the school, frequent electricity blackouts and insecurity in their school.

They claimed that the school does not have a boarding master but were instead left at the mercy of the school guard who only administered panadol tablets whenever they complained of any sickness.

They accused her of despising their parents as she sent them home for fees frequently without negotiating with them.

“How can we watch our parents being humiliated before us yet our teachers teach us to have respect,” posed one of the Form Three students.

They gave the Director an ultimatum to work on the issues or they would abandon the school. The Director who was flanked by his Deputy, Mrs. Gladys Zachary, Kenyenya sub county Deputy OCPD, Mrs.Everlyne Kurgat and KESSHA branch Chairman David Osoro, thanked the students for being peaceful in their quest to voice their grievances.

Ouma however asked them to go back to school as he liaised with the school Board of Management committee to investigate their claims.

“It is good that you have told me your problems but l want you to go back to school and get settled as you give my office time to look into the matter in the best way possible,” he said.

While speaking to the students, Kenyenya sub county Assistant County Commissioner Samuel Muhuri asked the students to be at the forefront of keeping peace in their institutions.

He noted that a community without peace experiences a lot of problems and delayed development.

The officer asked them to face their daily challenges by adopting mechanisms for overcoming them and finding amiable ways of resolving conflict.

On her part, the Deputy OCPD told the learners not to take the law into their hands whenever they felt offended.

“The Constitution takes care of every one of us but it does not allow people to take short cuts to solve their problems,” she warned.

The OCPD thanked the students for the peaceful demonstration but advised them to embrace dialogue whenever they felt aggrieved because it was the modern way of solving problems.

It was paradoxical that the learners did not complain of any defect in their studies yet it was the main reason for their being in school.

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