1025 heads – Elimu Pedia https://elimupedia.com Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 30 Jun 2022 03:00:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.9 Details of Heads and Teachers Set to Retire Today https://elimupedia.com/details-of-heads-and-teachers-set-to-retire-today.html Thu, 30 Jun 2022 02:18:07 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7638 Details of Heads and Teachers Set to Retire Today

Several teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and have served the commission for more than 30 years will retire today, 30th June 2022.

Already, the commission has presented the teachers exiting service today with retirement letters, hence the said teachers are expected to leave the school compound and to surrender any school property in their custody upon clearance.

Among those retiring, some will have reached the mandatory retirement age while others will have reached the end of their contracts, after the commission extended their contracts by two years. The latter include the 1025 principals and headteachers who were set to retire in 2022 but had their contracts extended. However, more than 500 principals (see list) will continue with their extended contract upto 30th December 2022.

The 1025 principals and the teachers who have attained the mandatory retirement age of 60 years will quit the stage today. More than 13,000 teachers are set to formally retire after reaching the mandatory retirement age.

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The exiting of the teachers from the service will open employment opportunities for thousands of teachers who are qualified yet still seeking employment.

Already, the teachers’ employer has advertised more than 14,000 teaching vacancies and the unemployed teachers have been given upto 7th July to apply.

According to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, an additional 6,000 teachers will be recruited as interns at a tune of sh.1.2 billion.

Acting Heads, Deputies and Senior Teachers to be promoted in July https://elimupedia.com/acting-heads-deputies-and-senior-teachers-to-be-promoted-in-july.html https://elimupedia.com/acting-heads-deputies-and-senior-teachers-to-be-promoted-in-july.html#comments Sat, 18 Jun 2022 04:54:50 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=7321 Acting Heads, Deputies and Senior Teachers to be promoted in July

School administrators among them heads of institutions, deputy principals and senior teachers who are currently in acting capacity will claim the looming promotions lined by the teachers’ service commission.

Despite having been in acting capacity for several years, most senior teachers, senior masters, deputy head teachers and principals are yet to be confirmed by the employer, TSC.

The Commission has plans to replace retiring school administrators, among them a total of 1,025 school heads whose two-year contracts are slated to end in July.

Administrators serving on acting capacity will be promoted however on condition that they have served in their current acting position for at least three years and have delivered.

Additionally, the teachers must have been actively involved in filling and submitting their termly Teacher Performance Appraisal Development (TPAD) ratings and scoring well.

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TSC, through circular number 14/2021 said promotions of teachers shall be in accordance with the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) in force.

The Commission further said teachers serving in ASAL and hard to staff areas and are holding administrative positions in an acting capacity shall be promoted progressively until they obtain grades commensurate to their respective positions.

https://elimupedia.com/acting-heads-deputies-and-senior-teachers-to-be-promoted-in-july.html/feed 2
1025 Heads Whose Contracts Were Extended To Retire in July, 569 Others To Be Retained https://elimupedia.com/1025-heads-whose-contracts-were-extended-to-retire-in-july-569-others-to-be-retained.html Tue, 17 May 2022 14:57:48 +0000 https://elimupedia.com/?p=6696 1025 Heads Whose Contracts Were Extended To Retire in July, 569 Others To Be Retained

A total of 1025 heads of primary and secondary schools will be sent packing by the teachers’ service commission, TSC since the two-year contract they were added is expected to end in July 2021.

The teachers’ employer had contracted a total of 1,594 institutional heads and extended their service in 2020, after their retirement age had been attained.

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia had confirmed plans to send the contracted heads home so as to enhance conduction of a fresh recruitment exercise by advertising new promotion interviews.

The big question however was the criteria that TSC used to retain 569 heads and extended their contract to December 2022, as others with the same case retire five months earlier.

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When she appeared before the national assembly to defend the move to employ the administrators on contract, Macharia stated that it was impossible for TSC to conduct interviews and manage the transition of the heads of institutions in the middle of the pandemic, in consideration of the tight Covid-19 prevention protocols that had been put in place.

According to Macharia, TSC is not bound by the provisions of the Public Service Commission Act and since it is an independent Commission, the terms and conditions of service for TSC employees are under guidance of; the Constitution, the TSC Act, the Employment Act and the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT).

Further, Macharia argued that the commission will require no funding for the post retirement remuneration of the heads since they have not been replaced, implying that their pension will be paid up-to the date of compulsory retirement and they will also get service gratuity for the period they were contracted.

However, Macharia maintained that the commission will have to conduct a fresh recruitment to replace the school heads once their contract ends end in July.

TSC recruited primary school headteachers, secondary school principals and principals of teacher training colleges on contract after their retirement in the year 2020.

In September last year TSC advertised mass recruitment of school administrators for primary and secondary schools and teacher training colleges as well as field officers.
